Designing For the Aging Eye

December 11th, 2014

As we age, our eyes and vision change, making it more difficult to read – and for some, to perceive color and contrast. If your audience includes seniors, there are some important recommendations to take into consideration in order to attract, engage, and hold your readers’ attention. Whether it be for books, magazines, menus, flyers, posters, labels, or signage, the responsible designer will address the needs of their audience, and make senior-friendly type and design choices to help keep reading pleasurable, as well as to enhance understanding and absorption of your message.

Here are some guidelines for setting typography targeted towards the aging eye and those with some degree of visual impairment. NOTE: If designing for readers with more specific visual impairments or limitations, be sure to do your research as they might call for a different approach to maximize legibility and readability. Read on…

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